This stack contains an XCMD that will play QuicKeys 2™ macros and sequences from any HyperCard stack.
Use ResCopy or ResEdit to copy it to your stack.
The stack is in HyperCard 1.2.5 format.
There is no charge for distributing this XCMD with public domain or commercial products, as long as it is not modified in any way.
If you would like to comment or need to ask a question regarding QuicKeys 2, send an E-mail message containing your name, company, title, mailing address, daytime phone number and electronic address to us at one of these electronic addresses.
America Online: CESOFTWARE
Compuserve: 76136, 2137
FAX: 515-224-4534
QuickMail: 515-224-1721
If you do not use electronic services, write to us at:
QuicKeys, QuicKeys 2, TAA, Technical Assistance Assistant, Tiles, CEToolbox, DialogKeys, QuickMail, DiskTop, Extension Manager, Heap Fixer, Type Ease, Paste Ease, Grab Ease, Screen Ease, Speak Ease, Mounty, Choosy, DisMounty, and CEIAC are trademarks of CE Software, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
CE Software, Inc.
P.O. Box 65580
West Des Moines
Iowa 50265 U.S.A.
(515) 224-1995
FAX: (515) 224-4534
QuickMail: (515) 224-1721
Technical Support: (515) 224-1953
Support Forums:
AppleLink - Third Parties (visible with AppleLink v6.0 or later) - CE Software
America Online - Industry Connection (keyword: cesoftware)
CompuServe - Mac A Vendors Forum - (go macaven, library 4)
GEnie - CE Software Round Table - (go page 1005, the command is "m1005")
CONNECT - Vendor Support - CE Software (no keywords)